Friday, February 13, 2015

Online Dating and Presenting yourself

Online Dating  along with presenting yourself through the internet has had much positive and negative feedback. Online dating has been occurring for the past fifth-teen years and will continue to happen as long as their is social medias and the internet. Online dating takes away from the shyness or insecurities of an individual and they get to become who they want to be in reality. Like we discussed in previous classes about the looking glass self and selective presentation. People who use social media as a way to connect to other people in the world strategical set up their profiles to lure in certain types of people. An example of this term would be the profile picture of the people you see on linkedin. This social media is essentially used to find jobs and connections within the career field of an individuals choice. As a result of this being the essentials of the website, people decide to set up their profile to fit that description and to lure in possible employers in their field and also a person of attraction if they can.
People try to present themselves in a way that they believe others would be in favor for them. Another example would be using instagram or twitter. People typically use these kinds of social media to express their character in a funny way or sometimes to even promote their business. They would strategically use this platform to elevate themselves or their brand in a manner that it would be appealing to the demographic they are trying to pursue.
Presenting yourself through the internet is key to the success of many individuals and businesses. People want to be appealing when they are using the internet. But there can be some huge negative problems dealing with online dating and presenting yourself to others through the internet. You are leaving yourself at life risk when you meet up with a total stranger from the internet. This leaves you as bait for serial killers and even just people who lie about their actual selves through social media. You could think your about to meet a slim, short, long hair, and intelligent woman. But, when you actually see her in person for the first tine she is actually the total opposite. This has happened so often through the social world there is now a television show made named catfish. This show exposes individuals who occur in these kind of activities for the good and the bad. Here is some tips about online dating and strategically making your page look presentable for those who you are trying to appeal to.

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